what will happen to a light ray incident on a glass to air boundary

Refraction and Lenses Review

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Function A: Multiple Selection

1. The best definition of refraction is ____.

a. passing through a boundary

b. billowy off a boundary

c. changing speed at a boundary

d. changing management when crossing a purlieus

Answer: D

Bouncing off a purlieus (choice b) is reflection. Refraction involves passing through a boundary (option a) and changing speed (choice c); still, a lite ray can exhibit both of these behaviors without undergoing refraction (for case, if it approaches the boundary along the normal). Refraction of lite must involve a change in direction; the path must be altered at the purlieus.

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If carbon tetrachloride has an index of refraction of 1.461, what is the speed of calorie-free through this liquid? (c = 3 10 10 8 1000/due south)

a. 4.38 x 10 8 g/s

b. 2.05 x 10 8 m/due south

c. 4.461 x x 8 grand/s

d. 1.461 x 10 eight m/s

Reply: B

Use the equation v=c/north where n = ane.461 and c = speed of lite in a vacuum (3x108 m/s).

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A ray of calorie-free in air is incident on an air-to-glass boundary at an angle of thirty. degrees with the normal. If the index of refraction of the glass is i.65, what is the angle of the refracted ray within the glass with respect to the normal?

a. 56 degrees

b. 46 degrees

c. thirty. degrees

d. eighteen degrees

Reply: D

Use Snell's law:

ni * sine(Theta i) = due northr * sine(Theta r)


ni =1.00 (in air), Theta i=thirty. degrees, nr =one.65

Substitute and solve for Theta r.

sine(Theta r) = ane.00 * sine(30. degrees) / 1.65 = 0.3030

Theta r = invsin(0.3030) = 17.half-dozen degrees

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If the critical angle for internal reflection inside a certain transparent material is establish to exist 48.0 degrees, what is the index of refraction of the textile? (Air is outside the material).

a. 1.35

b. one.48

c. 1.49

d. 0.743

Reply: A

The disquisitional bending is the angle of incidence (which is ever in the more dumbo cloth) for which the angle of refraction is xc degrees.

Use this to Snell's law equation:

nr * sine(48.0 deg) = i.00 * sine (90 deg)

Solve for nr.

nr = one.00 / sin(48.0 deg) = 1.35

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Carbon disulfide (n = 1.63) is poured into a container made of crown glass (north = ane.52). What is the disquisitional angle for internal reflection of a ray in the liquid when it is incident on the liquid-to-glass surface?

a. 89.0 degrees

b. 68.8 degrees

c. 21.2 degrees

d. four.0 degrees

Answer: B

The critical angle is the angle of incidence (which is always in the more dense fabric) for which the bending of refraction is 90 degrees.

Utilize this to Snell'due south law equation:

1.63* sine(Theta critical.) = i.52 * sine (ninety)

Solve for Theta critical.

sine(Theta critical.) = 1.52/i.63 = 0.9325

Theta disquisitional. = invsine(0.9325) = 68.8 degrees

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Carbon tetrachloride (n = i.46) is poured into a container made of crown glass (due north = ane.52). If the low-cal ray in glass incident on the drinking glass-to-liquid boundary makes an bending of 30 degrees with the normal, what is the angle of the corresponding refracted ray with respect to the normal?

a. 55.5 degrees

b. 29.4 degrees

c. 31.4 degrees

d. 19.ii degrees

Reply: C

Utilize Snell's police:

due northi * sine(Theta i) = nr * sine(Theta r)


ni =i.52 (in glass), Theta i=30 degrees (angle in glass), due northr =1.46 (in carbon tetrachloride)

Substitute and solve for Theta r

1.52 * sin(30 deg) = 1.46 * sin(Theta r)

[1.52 * sin(30 deg)]/ane.46 = sin(Theta r)

0.5205 = sin(Theta r)

Theta r = invsine(0.5205) = 31.4 degrees

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A light ray in air is incident on an air to drinking glass purlieus at an angle of 45.0 degrees and is refracted in the glass of thirty.0 degrees with the normal. What is the index of refraction of the glass?

a. ii.13

b. 1.74

c. ane.23

d. 1.41

Respond: D

Utilize Snell's law:

northi * sine(Theta i) = northr * sine(Theta r)


ni=1.00 (in air), Theta i=45.0 degrees (angle in air), Theta r=30.0 degrees (in glass)

Substitute and solve for due northr.

1.00 * sine(45.0 deg) = nr * sine(30.0 deg)

1.00 * sine(45.0 deg) / sine(30.0 deg) = northwardr

nr = 1.41

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A beam of light in air is incident at an angle of 35 degrees to the surface of a rectangular block of articulate plastic (n = one.5). The light beam first passes through the block and reemerges from the reverse side into air at what angle to the normal to that surface?

a. 42 degrees

b. 23 degrees

c. 35 degrees

d. 59 degrees

Reply: C

The calorie-free ray bends towards the normal upon entering and abroad from the normal upon exiting. If the opposite sides are parallel to each other and surrounded by the aforementioned fabric, then the angle at which the light enters is equal to the angle at which the light exits.

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A light ray in air enters and passes through a block of glass. What can be stated with regard to its speed after it emerges from the block?

a. speed is less than when in glass

b. speed is less than before it entered glass

c. speed is same every bit that in glass

d. speed is aforementioned as that before it entered glass

Answer: D

The speed of a calorie-free moving ridge (like whatsoever moving ridge) is dependent upon the medium through which information technology moves. In the case of a lite wave, the speed is least in the near dense medium. Thus, the light moves slower in drinking glass than in air. Nonetheless, upon exiting the glass and entering the air, the low-cal returns to the original speed. The speed is the aforementioned for the same medium.

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Which of the following describes what will happen to a light ray incident on an air-to-glass boundary?

a. total reflection

b. total manual

c. partial reflection, partial transmission

d. partial reflection, total transmission

Answer: C

Upon reaching a boundary, a moving ridge undergoes both reflection and transmission. The only exception is for light in the more dense medium and at angles of incidence greater than the critical bending; in such a case, total internal reflection occurs. Since the question does not specify such weather, one would take to answer c.

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Which of the post-obit describes what will happen to a lite ray incident on an air-to-drinking glass boundary at an bending of incidence less than the critical angle?

a. total reflection

b. full manual

c. partial reflection, partial manual

d. partial reflection, total manual

Answer: C

At a boundary between any two materials, there will be both reflection and transmission. The only exception is when the low-cal is incident in the more dense fabric and at an incident angle greater than the critical angle.

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Which of the following describes what will happen to a light ray incident on an glass-to-air purlieus at an angle of incidence greater than the disquisitional bending?

a. total reflection

b. total manual

c. fractional reflection, partial transmission

d. partial reflection, full transmission

Answer: A

At a boundary between any two materials, there will be both reflection and manual. The only exception is when the low-cal is incident in the more than dense material and at an incident angle greater than the critical angle. Since the low-cal in this problem is in the more than dense medium (glass) and at an bending greater than the critical angle, full internal reflection will occur. No transmission will occur at this boundary for such angles.

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What is the bending of incidence on an air-to-glass purlieus if the angle of refraction in the drinking glass (n = 1.52) is 25 degrees?

a. 16 degrees

b. 25 degrees

c. 40 degrees

d. 43 degrees

Respond: C

Apply Snell's police force:

northi * sine(Theta i) = nr * sine(Theta r)


ni =1.52 (in glass), Theta i=25 degrees (angle in drinking glass), nr =1.00 (in air)

Substitute and solve for Theta r.

one.52 * sine(25 degrees) = 1.00 * sine(Theta r)

1.52 * sine(25 degrees) / 1.00 = sine(Theta r)

0.0.6424 = sine(Theta r)

Theta r = invsine(0.6424) = 40.0 degrees

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A ray of white light, incident upon a glass prism, is dispersed into its various color components. Which i of the following colors experiences the greatest amount of refraction?

a. orange

b. violet

c. reddish

d. green

Answer: B

The shorter wavelengths of low-cal undergo the virtually refraction. Thus, violet is refracted the most and red light is refracted the least. The fact that the various component colors of white calorie-free refract different amounts leads to the phenomenon of dispersion.


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When low-cal from air hits a smooth piece of glass (n = 1.5) with the ray perpendicular to the drinking glass surface, which of the post-obit volition occur?

a. reflection and transmission at an angle of 0 degrees

b. dispersion

c. refraction at an angle of 41.8 degrees

d. all of the to a higher place will occur

Answer: A

A portion of the light is reflected and a portion of the light is transmitted into the new medium. Since the angle of incidence is 0 degrees, in that location is no bending of the ray. Noticeable dispersion only occurs when there is refraction of lite at two consecutive boundaries which are nonparallel.

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If total internal reflection occurs at a glass-air surface, then _____.

  1. no light is refracted
  2. no light is reflected
  3. light is leaving the air and hitting the glass with an incident bending greater than the disquisitional angle
  4. light is leaving the air and hitting the glass with an incident angle less than the critical angle

Answer: A

Total internal reflection occurs only when calorie-free passes from a more than dense medium to a less dense medium (this is why c and d can be ruled out) at an angle of incidence greater than the disquisitional angle. When TIR occurs, all the calorie-free is reflected and none of the light is refracted.

 [#ane|#2 |#3 |#4 |#5|#half-dozen |#7 |#viii |#9 |#10 |#11 |#12 |#xiii |#fourteen |#15 |#16 |#17 |#eighteen |#19 |#twenty ]


When low-cal from air hits a smooth piece of glass with the ray perpendicular to the glass surface, the part of the light passing into the glass _____.

a. will not change its speed

b. will non change its management

c. will not change its wavelength

d. will not modify its intensity

Reply: B

When the bending of incidence is 0 degrees (as in this case), there is no bending. The ray still slows down and changes its wavelength. A portion of the wave reflects and so there is a change in intensity within the new medium. Yet, there is no refraction or angle; the direction does not change.

 [#i|#2 |#3 |#iv |#v|#half dozen |#seven |#eight |#ix |#10 |#11 |#12 |#13 |#xiv |#15 |#xvi |#17 |#18 |#19 |#twenty ]

For Questions #eighteen - #xx, consider the diagram below.

18. This person suffers from the trouble of ____.

a. nearsightedness

b. farsightedness

c. cataracts

d. delusions

Answer: B

A farsighted person has difficulty seeing objects which are placed nearby. The images of nearby objects forms behind the retina as shown in this case. Nearsighted people have the opposite problem in that the images from very distant objects form in front of the retina.

 [#i|#2 |#3 |#4 |#5|#six |#vii |#8 |#9 |#x |#eleven |#12 |#13 |#14 |#15 |#16 |#17 |#18 |#19 |#20 ]

xix. This problem could most hands be corrected past the use of a(n) ____.

a. converging lens

b. diverging lens

c. achromatic lens

d. good nighttime'due south slumber

Answer: A

Since the image of this farsighted individual is forming behind the retina, an bogus lens with increased converging ability will cause the paradigm to course closer to the lens and upon the retina. Farsighted individuals correct for their vision defect through the use of converging lenses.

 [#1|#two |#3 |#4 |#5|#6 |#7 |#8 |#ix |#10 |#11 |#12 |#xiii |#14 |#15 |#sixteen |#17 |#18 |#19 |#20 ]

xx. If the prototype was formed in front of the retina rather than backside the retina, then the person would need to correct the vision problem by using a

a. converging lens

b. diverging lens

c. achromatic lens

d. alarm clock

Respond: B

Nearsighted individuals endure from an image formed in front of the retina. They must right for the problem by wearing an artificial lens which provides for some diverging of light prior to reaching the lens of the center. This will movement the paradigm further from the lens of the eye and back towards the retina.

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Source: https://www.physicsclassroom.com/reviews/Refraction-and-Lenses/Refraction-and-Lenses-Review-Answers-1#:~:text=Which%20of%20the%20following%20describes,greater%20than%20the%20critical%20angle%3F&text=At%20a%20boundary%20between%20any,be%20both%20reflection%20and%20transmission.

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