Movie Scene Where Guy Calls Girls Answering Machine Over and Over Again

30 Seconds

The saying "squeamish guys finish last" definitely bears some truth in real life. Oft, girls who reject the "nice guys" they meet typically experience a sense of regret, especially subsequently they get hurt by the "bad boys" they went with instead.

But that's not to say that all "dainty guys" are good picks either. Beloved isn't charity, and some straight women had to learn this the hard way. Women across the cyberspace shared what really happened when they ignored their gut and went for the "dainty guy." While there are a few heartwarming stories, some girls have been scarred for life. Maybe some of these "nice guys" deserve to finish last.

She'south a Queen and He Knows Information technology

I moved to another state with my sister and she fabricated some new friends. One of them begged her to prepare me upwardly with him and I reluctantly agreed. She assured me that he was a very nice guy. On our offset appointment, he kept gushing about how gorgeous I was. He even told me he was going to make me his queen and accept me around the globe. It was definitely flattering, but I just wasn't that interested in him. After our dinner, I made it clear that I was only interested in being friends, just he continued to beg my sis to get me to get out on another engagement. I declined and we moved back home.

Galore Magazine

A few months later on, he came to visit us. I didn't desire to invite him into our home, just out of courtesy, we did anyway. He wouldn't cease looking at me. Luckily for him, information technology was my birthday and I was in a really adept mood, so I just rolled my optics and told him he could come up out with my grouping of friends.

At the bar, he was actually into me and I was getting bellyaching considering he wouldn't permit me relax. At some point during the night, I told him in forepart of anybody that I really only saw him as a friend. He and then threw a fit, yelling at me and proverb what a horrible person I was for leading him on. I ended up crying because it was so embarrassing.

My guy friends went to "talk" to him after they heard what happened. The side by side morning, my sister told me that he said he was really sorry. He wanted me to say farewell to him at the airport. I plainly didn't.

Must Have Been Quite a Pizza

He was a friend of a friend, but we hung out with the aforementioned group of people and always went to the same parties.The guys in the grouping would e'er say things like, "Ah homo, you and Kyle would be then smashing together! You should give him a shot!" I'd kind of express joy it off because I already had a boyfriend.

News Locker

When my fellow and I eventually broke up, Kyle asked me out. I wasn't really set, but I figured it was merely a first date, so I agreed. Plus, everyone had been pressuring me into giving this guy a gamble, and so I felt like I couldn't say no.

The whole evening was awkward. We just ordered a pizza and watched movies, and he would NOT STOP STARING. I couldn't even eat considering I felt like I was under a microscope.

After our date, we kept in touch through text. Nearly a week later on, he asked when we could accept another date. I told him that perhaps I had rushed into things too fast and that I simply wasn't feeling whatever connexion with him. Then he dropped a bomb on me:


Yup. When Kyle establish out that I was unmarried, he dumped his girlfriend of 8 months just then he could enquire me out. The timely cherry on superlative is that they got back together. I haven't seen him in iv years.

That's a Big No

All my friends told me this guy from our group of friends was really nice, fifty-fifty though I felt similar he was creepy. I gave him a shot and we went out once, merely I regretted it immediately.


He asked me if I'd be interested in entering a relationship with him, and I said no considering I truly wasn't interested. He and so said that saying no was disrespectful. Big yikes.

Afterwards that bad-mannered date, he came over to my place, completely uninvited. He asked me if he could ruffle through my hair because he wanted to feel my scalp. He also kept request me to sit closer to him, even though we were already next to each other. He idea it was a great idea to mention that he heard voices in his head often and has dreamt of hurting people.

I immediately rushed him out of my flat. I but wanted him to be gone. I checked my keys five times to see if he took whatever. He is, by far, the most creepy, socially inept person I've ever met. He's so aggressive and impulsive.

But Is He Really "Genuinely Nice"?

He seemed nice enough, so I thought I'd give him a chance. At present I regret it. When we went out on our first appointment, he acted extremely snobby towards me. Every fourth dimension I offered a contradictory point of view on whatever general topic of discussion, he would immediately disagree. And when he couldn't prove me incorrect, he would resort to mocking my appearance, attire and personality. That was the last date, plain.

Nerd Bastards

He Sounds Like a Stalker, Mom

During my first week of college, I was in the dorm common room going through the calendar on my telephone. I didn't realize that some guy was looking over my shoulder as I was doing so.


He went up to me and said, "I see you lot don't have plans on Sat. We're going to breakfast." I obviously objected, not knowing who the heck this guy was, but he merely wouldn't leave me lonely. He just kept asking and asking.

Somewhen, I agreed to get out with him. I was purposely on my worst behavior in an attempt to repulse him, but I must have not done a great job because he ended the date by calling his mom and telling her that he met his future bride.

He then handed the phone to me. I told his female parent that I had admittedly no interest in her son and that I was only at that place because he wouldn't leave me lone. His mom laughed and said, "Sounds similar my boy!"

After our appointment, he would regularly sit on the couch outside my dorm door and wait for me to come outside. He followed me to and from my classes for 2 months and tried to befriend my roommate to get closer to me. He gave upwards subsequently some time and moved on to some other target who, plain, concluded up getting a restraining order confronting him.

Always Trust Your Gut

He brought flowers to my dorm and everyone saw. They assumed we were a couple. He fabricated small talk with a few people every bit he waited for me in the vestibule and even added them on Facebook, proverb he would "definitely be seeing them again."

The Industry Observer

He did a lot of things "squeamish guys" are expected to do. He opened the car door for me, paid for dinner, etc. But I could feel that underneath it all, I was accumulating some sort of "debt," equally if he expected me to owe him something in render for his chivalry.

My gut feeling ended up being right. When I told him I didn't want to see him anymore, he started harassing me and saying that I owed him a 2nd date. Gross, I know. Eventually, I just stopped responding to his texts. I realized afterward I should accept trusted my gut and avoided him in the start place. Then I'll accept the blame for that.

This Guy Needs a Reality Check

He seemed genuinely dainty. Despite a couple of my friends warning me, I went on a date with him. Things started out fine. We went for beer and wings and we tried to get to know each other amend. At some point, he started talking almost how he'd like to make enough money to back up a housewife. I told him that I was personally not interested in that sort of life and he got very repose.


When the time came to pay for dinner, I asked for the bills to be separate, and he got very upset with me. The waitress was visibly uncomfortable and I didn't want to contend, so I just allow him pay. He walked me home, said our goodbyes and I made my manner to the door. He ran after me, held the door every bit I opened it and asked, "Where'southward my kiss? I paid and then I deserve a kiss…or more." I shook my head, close the door and locked it.

A few days later, he told some of our mutual friends that I was in love with him. I gauge he just couldn't take the rejection and had to lie to make himself feel better.

"Nosotros Finish Each Other'southward—" "Sandwiches!"

I was the daughter who loved bad boys. The overnice guy in my life had been my best friend for a number of years, and I e'er knew he liked me, but I was decorated chasing mean guys. We grew up together and he watched me option all the wrong people. Other friends kept telling me to give him a hazard, simply I only never listened.


Ii years ago, he asked me to come over for dinner. It seemed fairly casual until I realized he'd asked me for Valentine'southward Solar day. I tin't say I was guilted, just it nevertheless felt a little awkward. I was nervous thinking it was gonna exist then weird, but when I turned upward it was fine. He cooked a meal, bought flowers, opened a canteen of vino, offered me chocolates and lit candles on the table. I don't potable much, so he ended up getting through the whole canteen of wine because he was so nervous. Still, it was a lovely evening and things felt very natural.

Fast forward a few years later and now we're approaching our 2nd anniversary. We share a lovely dwelling house together, look after a beautiful (but evil) Egyptian Mau cat and couldn't exist happier. Nosotros even stop each other's sentences and never run out of things to talk virtually. He is genuinely the best affair to e'er happen to me. Sometimes the nice guy does win!

Jealousy at Its Finest

I didn't date him, simply nosotros were good friends in higher. He was also very close with my boyfriend at the fourth dimension. We used to chat for hours at night and he was a fun person to exist around in full general.


One night, he sent me a long letter confessing his interest in me. I was really surprised because I had never noticed whatever signs that he was. I told him I really cared virtually him as a friend merely that I wasn't interested in him in any other style. I also pointed out that I was even so dating his friend.

At that point, he sent a moving ridge of mean messages, calling me "shallow" and saying that I but liked my swain for his advent. You think you lot know a guy…

Sounds Similar She Needed a Megaphone

I wasn't guilted into going out with the guy, but nosotros were coworkers and I knew he liked me. So when he asked me to play pool with him subsequently work, I told him that I'd become as long as he understood we would just be hanging out as friends.


After our puddle night, he asked me if I wanted to play laser tag. I said okay. And then he asked me to dinner. Again, I said okay but told him I'd be paying for my own nib since it yet wasn't a engagement.

Halfway through dinner, he went to the bath and sent me a text message officially asking me out on a date. It was sweet, but I replied that I was still only interested in being friends. He got really upset, left the restaurant and never spoke to me again.

Food…Makes You Fatty?

I worked with a guy who, after he found out I was divorced, asked me out on a date. I refused because I felt it was likewise early for me to be dating again. He started sending me emails at work asking me to give him a adventure. He kept maxim that he was a nice guy and that I wouldn't regret it. After some deliberation, I figured I'd throw the guy a bone.

Daily Star

On our first date, he kept telling the female server to end me from eating my dinner because he said I was going to go fat. He idea it was the most hilarious matter ever. Allow'southward simply say that get-go engagement was also our final.

Mom Doesn't Always Know Best

I went on a blind date with some guy my mom prepare me up with. He picked me upwards in his truck and off we went. We went to the mall and saw a film. Then nosotros walked around and shopped for a few things.


Afterward a while, I got my period. I get really bad cramps, but I was ashamed to tell him, so I only told him I wasn't feeling well. Afterward that, his mood totally inverse. He brought me abode and didn't talk to me at all on the way.

When he dropped me off, I told him I had fun with him and that nosotros should see each other once again. He just looked at me while I airtight the door and left. No words, nothing. I know he thought I was pretending to be sick to go out of our date, just it sucks because that really wasn't the example. What a shame.

You Know You're on a Date Now, Right?

Information technology was more curiosity than guilt. His profile was okay. He seemed like a nice guy, the kind who opens doors and pays for everything.

Play a trick on Sports

He arrived offset for our coffee date, then he bought himself one and sat down. When I arrived, he never stood up or offered to buy me 1. Not that I cared, but in his contour, he said information technology was what he liked to do.

He spent the whole date complaining almost how hard it was for him to discover dates, and how he was going speed dating the post-obit week. I didn't bother pointing out that he was already on a date. When I left, he didn't open the door for me either. In fact, I think I opened information technology for him. I wished him well at the speed dating.

What a Non-Gentleman

I dated a guy in college who didn't take a car, so I drove everywhere. On ane appointment, I parked the car when we got to our destination and got out before him. He screamed at me for non waiting until he got out of the car first. He wanted to run over and open up the door for me. The human relationship did not last very long.

Simply Jared

Worse Than a Matrimony Proposal

He told me he was excited about the possibility of getting into a relationship with me. He also said he couldn't wait to delete our individual Facebook profiles and then he could create a joint ane for us. No thanks.


Merely Your Average "Friendly" Stalker

Anybody said he was very nice but also extremely shy. We started dating and it was pretty boring, but at least he was a great listener. He was attentive and seemed interested in my hobbies.


Only it bothered me that he never had whatever stories of his own. He probably retold the same two stories over and over. I know non anybody is terribly exciting, only he was a lot older than I was and he was ever talking about his bucket list, so I expected him to be much more than interesting.

As soon equally he sensed that I was starting to lose interest, he would panic and get-go watching me. I would be talking on the phone and he would exist waiting nearby, peeking around corners. If I caught him doing it, he'd have something like a snack or post handy to pretend to exist doing something else. The longest I noticed him lurking was during a 30-minute-long telephone call I had with my dad. I could see his shadow underneath the door, lingering the entire time.

I bankrupt up with him subsequently I realized the extent of his lurking. I felt a footling bad because he truly was a overnice guy, simply the lurking just creeped me out as well much.

Sounds Similar a Manipulative Jerk

He asked me out to tiffin and I said okay because I had been friends with him for years. When we sabbatum downwards, he told me he had a brain tumor and that he needed to confess his love to me before it was too belatedly. I was not most to be the girl who turned downwards the guy with cancer, so I reluctantly said okay.


Three months subsequently, I found out that he knew the tumor was benign the whole fourth dimension. He toyed with my emotions then that I would go out with him.

Was She Being Punk'd?

I wasn't impressed with his limited chat topics and obvious attempts to testify that he was "non like other men." When he saw that I wasn't having a bang-up time, he cut me off mid-sentence, hugged me and said he was going to head home. Very weird experience.


He Merely Bankrupt All the Rules of Snapchat

A really squeamish guy had been asking me out constantly in my DMs and I figured I would give him a chance. The appointment was okay; the conversation didn't flow well, but I didn't concord that against him. We ended up getting coffee and taking a walk effectually town…which concluded upwardly being a five-mile walk. At that point, I was ready to become home, so he walked me to my motorcar and I drove domicile.


Hither'south where it gets weird. As soon as I pulled into my driveway, my phone blew upwardly with Snapchat notifications. The guy sent me three minutes' worth of Snapchat videos confessing his love for me, begging me for a second date and saying all the minute details he found bonny about me. My drive home was literally x minutes long.

Sometimes, It Doesn't Work Out, and That'south Okay

I went on a engagement with a friend from high school who too happened to be my ex's roommate. Information technology was a serenity appointment even though we'd known each other for years. He was nice, merely zilch ever happened. Afterward on, I gear up him upwards with my sister-in-law. They dated for a year. Now he'south married (to someone else) and has an adorable son. We're yet friends, 20 years later on we met.

Become Nintendo

Something Heartwarming

I married him! Literally the best, almost reliable guy who supports me in absolutely everything. Gives me everything I never knew I needed. He is my absolute hero and I couldn't be happier!


Actually a "Squeamish Guy"

When I was single, my sister was planning a political party and mentioned that her beau's very nice, very unmarried friend would be coming. When I met him, he was shy simply sweet. He afterward messaged me on Facebook and asked for my number since he was as well nervous to ask me in person. We talked for a scrap and went out on a fun date. Then another. And another.


Four months afterward, we moved in together. Now, information technology'south been five years. We're married and have a 2-year-onetime piffling boy. Sometimes a "dainty guy" is actually a nice guy.

They Practise Say That Poetry Is What Nosotros Live For

He showed up to our showtime appointment with a framed impress of an original poem he wrote for me. That lovey-dovey stuff is merely not my cup of tea. The dinner was also super bad-mannered. Never again.


Sounds Very Bad-mannered for Anybody

My high school friend really, really liked me and kept hinting at a relationship. I tried to drop hints that I wasn't into it, only he wouldn't let up. All of our common friends were trying to talk me into it.


Eventually, we concluded up alone and I let him osculation me. He immediately told me he was in honey with me, and that his whole family thought we were dating. I told him that I was still not into it, and set the tape straight for anybody. It was very bad-mannered.

He Just Wasn't Ready to Let Go

I told him I liked him, but I but wanted to be friends. When he drove me habitation, he held my manus in the machine as if he didn't fifty-fifty hear me. I had to fake a cough fit to get it back.


Unstable Much?

He was awful — overbearing, possessive and disrespectful of all my boundaries. He proposed to me once we were broken up and proceeded to marry someone else less than a month later.

Hillary Daily

This Sounds Like a Sitcom

His mom chosen the cops on me at our prom because I danced with another male child.


Distance Makes The Middle Grow Fonder

Afterward our initial "date," we stayed friends for v years. Then, nosotros got back together for three and a one-half years and eventually got married. At the start, I wasn't physically attracted to him and didn't want a human relationship, merely still agreed to get out with him because he was nice. I told him how I felt and he was fine with that. During the whole fourth dimension we knew each other, he was an actual friend. It took me living far away from him to realize how much I loved him.


When I went to visit him, we decided that we wanted to exist with each other and we've been together always since. He's yet the nicest guy.

This Poor Guy…

It lasted two weeks, but but because he asked me out the day earlier winter suspension. Nosotros didn't fifty-fifty talk to each other once. A few months after, I was talking to my friends who had dated him before, and all 10 of us said we dated him because we felt bad.


And Here'south a Happy Catastrophe

Nosotros met during our freshman year of higher. He was my best friend for months and I wasn't really into him when we first started talking, but now we're in love. We have been together for almost a year.



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